valantic and searchhub – partnership announcement

valantic and searchhub - partnership


Valantic understands the intricacies of working with large corporate digitization projects with systems like SAP, Spryker, Magento, Shopware, and Scayle, among others. It’s common to experience a lack in these types of rollouts when it comes to onsite search. As an alternative to building a completely new site search solution valantic took a closer look at what searchhub has to offer and found tremendous potential in optimizing search for their customers using our approach.

searchhub is the autopilot addon for every site search on the market. As such we easily integrated into the existing site search of one of Valantic’s customers, and quickly illustrated the fiscal sense behind working with us compared to heavy manual optimization or even replacing site search solutions.

So, it is with great pride that we announce valantic as one of our new partners!

Since 2017 we have managed to grow organically, mostly by leveraging our own network. As we transition to scaling our business model, strong partnerships with agencies will be pivotal. Markus Kehrer - searchhub

About valantic:

Valantic develops a digital transformation strategy with you. For over 10 years they have been successfully advising on the selection of, and assisting clients in their transition to the ideal solution. With over 2,000 in-house experts, they move fluidly from designing the optimal customer experience, to developing the platform that supports you in customer acquisition and retention with the right digital marketing tools. The result: quantifiably successful e-commerce.

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