searchHub Dramatically Improves Revenue for E-commerce by up to 39.6%

We decided to put search|hub to the test, and the staggering results are in. By using searchHub with one of our customers current search solution, our customer made the following gains:

  • 39.6% improvement on total revenue
  • 39% improvement on revenue per User
  • 25.5% improvement on purchases
  • 6.7% improvement on total clicks on search results


Over a period of 14 days, with almost 45,000 unique visitors, search|hubs self-learning query intelligence API helped to increase total revenue by 39.6% and purchases by 25.5% with a 99% confidence score. This impressive achievement is solid evidence that search|hub improves revenue and user engagement for online retailers.

How We Determined searchHub's superior performance – the Experiment

For our comparison, we performed an A/B test using Optimizely to ensure unbiased results. The traffic allocation was set to 50% for their current onsite search solution and 50% for searchHub with their current search solution.

We instituted a test period of two weeks. During the test period, we were tracking the following goals, with total revenue set to be the primary goal of the test:

  1. Total revenue (Primary goal)
  2. Revenue per Visitor


Before starting the A/B test, search|hub was trained based on almost half a million searches with clicks and add-to-basket actions, extracted from existing search engine query logs. During the A/B test, search|hub used clicks and add-to-basket actions to continuously learn from user behavior.


The results of the A/B test are staggering:

  1. 39.6% improvement on total revenue
  2. 39% improvement on revenue per User
  3. 25.5% improvement on add to basket
  4. 6.7% improvement on total clicks on search results

(searchHub-A/B-Test — customer site search with and without searchHub)

The results clearly show that while having a manually optimized state-of-the-art search engine can be of benefit, having searchHub’s self-learning query intelligence API as a layer on top of it helps to boost user engagement and revenue even more.

What we see here is a great collaboration of humans and machines. People have used their onsite search tools to optimize queries, add synonyms & pre-processors and search-campaigns to the system, which were also optimized by searchHub. Moreover, searchHub automatically cleans, clusters search queries, and optimizes the search results for all queries by applying automatic query rewrites.


searchHub dramatically improves user engagement and revenue for e-commerce sites. It adds an intelligent layer to your search infrastructure and accounts for business rules, synonyms and extends them to optimize search results across all queries. The results of A/B testing shows good search is important and increases user engagement and revenue for online retailers.

Get in touch to learn how we can help your online business with better search. proudly built by

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