Please let us know if you have any other questions not answered here. We generally answer within a couple of minutes.

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We recommend at least 1 month of site search data. If you prefer, searchhub can read the required data directly from your analytics system.
No. Site search algorithms compare the spelling of a keyword entered by your customers, with content available within your product database. SearchHub goes a step further, not only clustering all variations of keywords, but picking the keyword variation that brings the greatest performance increase to your shop.
Very well! SearchHub is live in over 15 languages. Language agnostic algorithms not only learn from your product catalog, but user behavior as well. This means we determine the keyword variation most likely to convert, independently of language.
SearchHub is site search independent. Optimizations made within SearchHub carry over to your new solution, ensuring peak performance from day one after migrating to a new site search.
Yes. SearchHub’s data-driven approach clusters all keyword variations behind the best performing representation of a cluster. We call this a MasterQuery. The B2B space is well-known for its myriad product specifications and variations. The resulting keyword longtail is quite significant. Longtail keyword variations are where SearchHub’s data-driven approach brings the greatest possible shop performance increases.
SearchHub is not a search engine. We use data to identify the highest performing keywords within your shop. We then combine all variations of these keywords into query clusters when they represent the same user intent. These clusters are filled with things like spelling mistakes, orthographic or phonetic mismatches or synonyms, and grouped under one common, best performing MasterQuery. SearchHub then sends this MasterQuery to your site search engine. As a result, your site search has less heavy lifting to do, is able to deliver results faster, and you are more easily able to optimize bespoke landing pages for your highest performing keywords, as you no longer need to account for all keyword variations.
Yes and no. SearchHub pricing is based on total online shop revenue. This means the number of searches can scale without incurring additional licensing fees.
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searchHub runs on autopilot 99% of the time. Optimize the last 1% with an additional 4 to 6 hours a week.

Backend integration, involving IT, generally takes between 2 and 4 days.

Yes. searchHub supports a federated architecture, meaning the number of site search systems, their configuration and respective strategies is limited only by your platform.

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Yes. searchHub is site search agnostic, meaning no matter the solution you use, searchHub will make it better.

Yes. searchHub’s data-driven approach allows relevance to be calculated on the basis of how well a search term positively influences the overall shop performance. The information is then accessed by using the searchHub SearchDataService.

searchHub is not a site search engine. We cluster all keyword variations, and deliver only the best performing query to your site search. The result is fewer queries being sent to your search engine, which in turn increases the cache-hit-ratio and the so-called “call back” performance. 

Kurz gesagt, die Suche kann sogar schneller werden.

searchHub is equipped with an AI Trainer. Search managers use this tool to manually edit the keyword relationships within our AI. Additionally, searchHub's knowledge base is prefilled with common synonyms on a per-client basis. Lastly, importing synonyms and antonyms via .csv file is also available.

searchHub’s AI clusters all keyword variations around a so-called “MasterQuery”. This ensures more traffic (also known as, “The Longtail”) is redirected to your curated pages without any optimization necessary.

searchHub can use your product export to more precisely determine customer intent. Ingesting brand and product names, for example, allow us to more precisely map misspellings to the highest performing outcome and to learn your custom product language.

Yes. Not only does searchHub provide a function within our UI to manage your redirects, our clustering technology means you create a redirect for MasterQueries only. These then apply to all query variations within the respective cluster.

Auto-complete suggestions delivered by searchHub can be adjusted within the searchHub UI. Choose between overall popularity or most trending suggestions, or add your own custom KPIs. searchHub will make sure to only deliver precise suggestions without embarrassing typos.

Yes. Queries which have previously been mapped or clustered together under a common MasterQuery can be monitored in the searchHub UI. This makes it easy to see how important an automated approach is.

Yes. searchHub has developed a proprietary algorithm to identify potential bot traffic and weed this out to ensure these queries do not skew cluster performance.

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