We developed an entirely new solution that introduces a groundbreaking capability called NeuralInfusion™. Since the core principles and architectural choices behind this solution are applicable to any search system it integrates ideally into our add-on philosophy.
After stripping away the inflated marketing claims from vector search vendors and so-called domain experts, which our customers and users often echo, we identified a mere two areas of genuine optimization …
Discover how librarians’ magical product discovery techniques inspire AI-powered e-commerce site search, transforming online shopping with intelligent, context-driven redirects.
Site Search Transformation through Efficiency, flexibility, and transparency! Have you ever been overwhelmed by the amount of effort it takes to optimize your ecommerce site search? What if your business could improve its site search with an AI built to optimize it, not replace what you already have? Imagine a tool that can enhance the […]
For English Language, Please Scroll Down! Der neue Standard für Suchoptimierung wir freuen uns sehr, Dir die Einführung einer revolutionären neuen Methode zur Ermittlung des besten Suchbegriffs ankündigen zu können. In dieser Post möchten wir Dir die neuen Funktionen vorstellen und zeigen, wie sie Dein tägliches Arbeiten noch zielführender machen. Bisher wurde der repräsentativste Suchbegriff […]
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